The world of theatrical, studio, and performance lighting has seen the most transformational changes imaginable with the advent of LED technology. In just the past few years, hot incandescent spotlights and sheets of color media have given way to extremely energy efficient LED performance lighting fixtures capable of creating an almost endless palette of color at just the touch of a button. And the stage lighting control systems made up of high capacity electrical power feeds to rooms full of dimmers are being quickly replaced with low cost, low voltage data distribution systems.

The energy efficiency of LED sources is unquestionable with a typical 575 watt incandescent spotlight being replaced by a 100 watt LED profile fixture. But the most important advantage for stage and studio lighting is the elimination of the need for consumable color media in favor of limitless electronic choice of color. Theatrical lighting designers working with LEDs are no longer constrained to just the colors in the shop gel cabinet or a messenger delivery from our Quick Store. And videographers with adjustable color temperature LEDs no longer need to cover exterior windows with rolls of color correction media for those interior shots.

While the design of a stage, studio or performance lighting and control system for a new facility can be a relatively straight forward process for an architect, engineer or theatrical consultant, the challenge of converting an existing theatre, church or studio to LED sources can be much more complex. The age and condition of an existing stage lighting system has a significant impact on the process of converting to LEDs, but for most facility managers, budget constraints are usually the paramount consideration.

If you have an existing performance space, or are planning to build a new facility, our experienced team of Grand Stage lighting systems designers and integrators are ready to help you find the very best plan. We have assisted many schools, community theatres and churches to meet the challenge of converting to LEDs, and many architects and engineers depend on us as a resource for both their renovations and new construction project planning. Please call us and speak with your Grand Stage representative for more information about how we can help you begin or finish the transition of your performance space to the modern world of LEDs.

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